AF Capability Dev Industry Day Logo

Mark Your Calendars! On Thursday, 14 November 2024, the Integrated Capabilities Office (ICO), Integrated Capabilities Command (Provisional) (ICC(P), and the Air Force Materiel Command Integrated Development Office (AFMC/IDO) will host a Virtual Industry Information Day.

An unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launches during an operational test
An unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launches during an operational test

Event Details

Focus: The Air Force Capability Development Industry Information Day is a process-focused, non-technical informational event. The goal of this event is to provide participants insight into how the Air Force has evolved the way it develops capabilities in response to the Department’s re-optimization for Great Power Competition (GPC) and to create a stronger foundation for further collaboration in the future. The event will:

  • Provide a coordinated Capability Development voice to industry, academia, think tanks, and government stakeholders to ensure consistent messaging across major Air Force Capability Development organizations
  • Highlight the Capability Development ecosystem and key Air Force organizations involved in re-optimizing the way it develops capabilities for GPC
  • Provide information on the new Capability Development organizations – the ICO, ICC(P), and IDO – to include their key roles, functions, timelines, interactions with other stakeholders, and approaches to performing missions
  • Share the joint ICO-ICC-IDO industry engagement approach and what industry can expect moving forward

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Dates: Thursday, 14 November 2024
Start Time: 1000 EST
Duration: ~2-3 Hours
Location: Virtual Event
Target Audience: This event is open to industry, academia, think tanks, FFRDCs, and current government employees. You should attend if:

  • You or your organization have an interest in developing capabilities for the Air Force
  • You are currently supporting Air Force Capability Development activities
  • You are part of the internal Air Force Capability Development ecosystem
The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron
The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron

What’s In It For You?

The Air Force is reoptimizing for Great Power Competition (GPC) with Delivering Capabilities being one of the core focus areas. To accelerate capability development in the future, Air Force leadership took several decisive steps, to include:

  • Creating a collaborative approach focused on identifying and prioritizing future operational capabilities, driving cross-platform mission systems integration
  • Establishing focused acquisition Systems Centers for effective portfolio and life cycle management
  • Establishing Secretariat offices to facilitate cross-service solution development

The Air Force created the ICO, ICC(P) and AFMC/IDO offices to provide these functions. At this industry day, attendees will:

  • Receive critical insight into how capabilities will be developed under GPC
  • Gain clarity on how, when, and with which offices they should engage with when looking to partner with the Air Force on specific capabilities
  • Understand how industry and collaboration opportunities will be made available in the future

Learn More about the ICO, ICC(P) and AFMC/IDO Offices:

  1. DAF stands up Integrated Capabilities Office to advance Operational Imperatives (
  2. Air Force activates provisional Integrated Capabilities Command (
  3. AFMC stands up Integrated Development Office, latest GPC milestone (
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds

Registration & Preparation (on-line)

Pre-registration is required for this event

This event is open to industry, academia, think tanks, FFRDCs, and current government employees.

Registration Link:

***Attendance at the event will be on a first come, first served basis, and may be capped if system capacity limitations are reached***

Future Updates

Any subsequent updates will only be posted on the Defense Innovation Marketplace website.