Human Systems

Communities of Interest

(updated July 2024)

The Human Systems CoIs provides a framework for Service, Agency, and DoD Executives, Scientists, Engineers, and Human Systems Integration Practitioners to share information, ideas, and best practices; identify opportunities; measure progress; jointly plan and coordinate programs across Department of Defense (DoD), and report on the state of the health of Human Systems and related science and technology.

  • Personalized Assessment, Education, and Training: Research and development in personnel assessment will produce integrated measures and adaptive testing for more precise assessment of individual potential, yielding improved personnel selection and assignment. Meanwhile, work in education and training will produce competency-based systems grounded in quantitative metrics to enable personalized, proficiency-based training to accelerate acquisition and enhance operational performance. The end result is more capable warfighters with decreased training costs.
  • Protection, Sustainment, and Warfighter Performance: Research and development in this area will produce better understanding of the critical environmental stressors and the human factors yielding individual performance differences in operational environments in order to enhance performance and mitigate the effects of stressors. This includes designing systems that support and exploit individual differences, and developing operationally relevant metrics to monitor and assess performance.
  • System Interfaces & Cognitive Processes: Research and development in this area will produce human-technology interfaces that enhance warfighters’ ability to focus on their primary mission. These cognitively engineered interfaces will be intuitive to use, will learn with experience, and support mixed-initiative communication. Machine interpretation of human information will lead to improving sociocultural situation awareness and human behavior forecasting.