Basic Research Office

Business Opportunities

The Basic Research Office provides scientific leadership, oversight, and coordination for the Department’s basic research programs and stimulates the initiation or support of promising areas of research including those with the potential for transformational significance to future defense capabilities.

Explore the above web sites to review the basic research or research related educational areas that they support. After reviewing the areas an office supports, talk to the scientific or technical program managers responsible for any research or related educational areas with which you judge your interests overlap.

To review only funding announcements that are currently open, you need not visit each office’s web site individually. You will find all of the offices’ announcements posted at:

  • for programs under which grants or cooperative agreements may be awarded
  • for programs under which procurement contracts may be awarded

Strategic Overview

OSD Thrust Areas

Emerging Scientific Research Areas (Overview)

Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship

Formerly known as the National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship, the program change its name in 2016 to commemorates Dr. Vannevar Bush (1890-1974).

Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP)