Communities of Interest
The Autonomy CoIs will closely examine the DoD’s S&T investments in the enabling of autonomous systems, to include the strategic assessment of the challenges, gaps, and opportunities to the development and advancement of autonomous systems, and identification of potential investments to advance or initiate critical enabling technology development.
- Human/Autonomous System Interaction and Collaboration (HASIC): The keys to maximizing the human-agent interaction are: instilling confidence and trust among the team members; understanding of each member’s tasks, intentions, capabilities, and progress; and ensuring effective and timely communication. All of which must be provided within a flexible architecture for autonomy; facilitating different levels of authority, control, and collaboration.
- Machine Perception, Reasoning and Intelligence (MPRI): Perception, reasoning, and intelligence allows for entities to have existence, intent, relationships, and understanding in the battle space relative to a mission.
- Scalable Teaming of Autonomous Systems (STAS): Collaborative teaming is a fundamental paradigm shift for future autonomous systems. Such teams are envisioned to be heterogeneous in size, mobility, power, and capability.
- Test, Evaluation, Validation, and Verification (TEVV): The creation of developmental and operational T&E techniques that focus on the unique challenges of autonomy, including state-space explosion, unpredictable environments, emergent behavior, and human-machine communication.
Additional Materials
- Autonomy CoIs Presentation from NDIA (PDF Not Available)
- Autonomy Technical Assessment (PDF)
- Autonomy Technology Interchange Meeting
- Autonomy CoIs Test and Evaluation, Verification and Validation (TEVV) Technology Investment Strategy (PDF)
Additional Information
Continue to the 2019 Weapons – Sensors – Autonomy TIM page for more information.